Rewrite the text from active into passive. Last week, the Mayor opened Bluemoore’s new shopping mall. They gave him a tour and introduced him to some shop owners. Then, they took

Вопрос посетителя

Rewrite the text from active into passive.
Last week, the Mayor opened Bluemoore’s new shopping mall. They gave him a tour and introduced him to some shop owners. Then, they took him to lunch in the restaurant. The Mayor told them that he had enjoyed the visit very much.

Ответ эксперта

Last week Bluemoore’s new shopping mall was opened by the Mayor. He was given a tour and he was introduced to some shop owners. Then, he was taken to lunch in the restaurant. They were told by the Mayor that his visit had been enjoyed very much.
На прошлой неделе новый торговый центр Блумор был открыт мэром. Ему сделали тур, и представили некоторых владельцев магазинов. Затем, его пригласили на обед в ресторан. Мэр сказал им, что посещение ему очень понравилось.

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