Rewrite the text below This is our house. It is very big! Our living room is beautiful. It is blue and green. My sister’s bedroom is pink. It is not very nice. My bedroom is blue. It is very nice

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Rewrite the text below
This is our house. It is very big! Our living room is beautiful. It is blue and green. My sister’s bedroom is pink. It is not very nice. My bedroom is blue. It is very nice

Ответ от эксперта

This is our house. It is very big! Our living room is beautiful. It is blue and green. My sister’s bedroom is pink. It is not very nice. My bedroom is blue. It is very nice Это наш дом. Он очень большой! Наша гостиная-это красиво. Он голубой и зеленый. Спальня моей сестры розовая. Это не очень приятно. Моя спальня голубая. Это очень мило

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