Rewrite the sentences below in a different way. Make all necessary changes. There is an example (0) for you at the beginning. 0) It’s dangerous to swim in Loch Ness!

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Rewrite the sentences below in a different way. Make all necessary changes. There is an example (0) for you at the beginning.
0)  It’s dangerous to swim in Loch Ness!
Loch Ness is dangerous to swim in.
1)  It’s exciting to watch May Day celebrations!
2)  Is it easy to choose May Queen?  
3)  It’s not difficult to make a bracelet of friendship!
4)  Is it interesting to take part in cross-cultural projects?
5)  It’s not easy to win the Wimbledon CUP Final.
6)  It is not healthy for little children to play computer games.

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