Rewrite the sentences. 1 Andy’s gardener is tidying up his garden. Andy > is having his garden tidied up. 2 Meg’s friend has painted her nails. Meg……..

Вопрос от пользователя

Rewrite the sentences.
1 Andy’s gardener is tidying up his garden. Andy > is having his garden tidied up.
2 Meg’s friend has painted her nails. Meg……..
3 The mechanic is going to fix John’s car tomorrow. John……..
4 The painter painted Mike’s bedroom last week. Mike……..
5 The dressmaker will shorten Sue’s dress. Sue……..
6 Brian’s dad has built a garden shed for him. Brian……..

Ответ от эксперта

2 is having her nails painted by her friend (Мэг покрасила ногти ее подруга).
3 is going to have his car fixed by a mechanic (Джону отремонтирует завтра автомобиль механик).
4 had his bedroom painted last week by the painter (Джону разрисовал спальню художник на прошлой неделе).
5 will have her dress shortened by the dressmaker (Портниха укоротит Сью платье).
6 has had a garden shed built by his dad (Папа Брайана построил садовый сарай для него).

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