Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice in two ways, where possible, as in the examples. 1 The teacher explained the maths problem to the students.

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Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice in two ways, where possible, as in the examples.
1 The teacher explained the maths problem to the students.
— The maths problem was explained to the students by the teacher.
2 The fashion editor has offered the stylist a better job.
— The stylist has been offered a better job by the fashion editor, or
A better job has been offered to the stylist by the fashion editor.
3 Tina bought the children two video games.
4 The manager is dictating a letter to her secretary right now.
5 Katie sent me an email yesterday.
6 She always reads the children a story at the end of the day.
7 Douglas will give me two tickets for the Tommy Hilfiger fashion show.

Ответ от эксперта

3 The children were bought two video games by Tina.
Two video games were bought for the children by Tina.
4 A letter is being dictated to the secretary by her manager right now.
5 I was sent an email by Katie yesterday.
An email was sent to me by Katie yesterday.
6 A story is always read to the children at the end of the day.
7 I will be given two tickets for the Tommy Hilfiger fashion show by Douglas.
Two tickets for the Tommy Hilfiger fashion show will be given to me by Douglas.

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