Rewrite the following sentences in the passive form. 1 Mum and Dad will drive the children to the museum. 2 Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.

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Rewrite the following sentences in the passive form.
1 Mum and Dad will drive the children to the museum.
2 Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.
3 You can use this pass for twenty-four hours.
4 They will take the homeless animals to an animal shelter.
5 They have raised a lot of money for charity.
6 Someone had left a puppy in the street.

Ответ от эксперта

1 The children will be driven to the museum by Mum and Dad.
2 Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare.
3 This pass can be used for twenty-four hours.
4 The homeless animals will be taken to an animal shelter.
5 A lot of money has been raised for charity.
6 A puppy had been left in the street.

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