Respond to the invitations and requests. Be polite: express gratitude or invent an excuse as necessary. | It sounds like a good plan. That would be lovely!

Вопрос от пользователя

Respond to the invitations and requests. Be polite: express gratitude or invent an excuse as necessary.
| It sounds like a good plan.
That would be lovely!
I’ll definitely go / come / be there.
Thanks for inviting me. It’s so nice of you.
I appreciate your invitation but I don’t think…
Sorry, but…

1 — Have you already made any plans for the weekend? How about a picnic in our garden?
2 — Could you help me with my PowerPoint presentation this Sunday?
3 — I’ve won two tickets to show The Mermaid. It’s the hit of the season. Would you like to go with me?
4 — Jane’s seriously ill. I’m going to visit her this afternoon. How about joining me?

Ответ от эксперта

1 That would be lovely! That’s a great idea and a nice company.
Это было бы здорово! Это великолепная идея и приятная компания.
2 I’m sorry, I don’t think I can. You know, I’m not good at such things. My knowledge of PowerPoint leaves much to be desired.
Мне жаль, но я думаю, что я не смогу. Ты знаешь, я не очень хороша в таких вещах. Мое знание PowerPoint оставляет желать лучшего.
3 I’ll definitely go! I like musicals and the atmosphere there.
Я определенно пойду! Мне нравятся мюзиклы и атмосфера там.
4 I appreciate your invitation but I don’t think it is a good idea, because we can get infected there.
Я ценю твое приглашение, но я не думаю, что это хорошая идея, так как мы можем там заразиться.

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