Replace the linkers in bold with synonyms. 1 To start with = To begin with 2 Thus = As a result

Вопрос пользователя

Replace the linkers in bold with synonyms.
1 To start with = To begin with
2 Thus = As a result
3 Another solution would be to = Another way would be to
4 As a result = Consequently
5 Therefore = So
6 To sum up = All things considered

Ответ эксперта

Замените выделенные связующие слова на синонимы.
1 Начать с = Начать с
2 Таким образом = Как результат
3 Другое решение было бы = Другим способом было бы
4 Как результат = Следовательно
5 Поэтому = поэтому
6 Подытоживая = все вещи учитываются
1 To start with = To begin with
2 Thus = As a result
3 Another solution would be to = Another way would be to
4 As a result = Consequently
5 Therefore = So
6 To sum up = All things considered

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