Rephrase the sentences using the modal verbs must, may, can or can’t. 1 I don’t know about his plans for this weekend. It is possible that he will be busy.

Вопрос от пользователя

Rephrase the sentences using the modal verbs must, may, can or can’t.
1 I don’t know about his plans for this weekend. It is possible that he will be busy.
2 I’m sure that Johnny is fifteen now. I remember his birthday party five years ago. There were ten candles.
3 I don’t believe that he is ill. I saw him at the stadium only ten minutes ago and he was playing volleyball.
4 I’ll never believe that the boy in the red T-shirt is Mike. Mike never wears red.
5 Jason speaks three languages, plays the piano and the guitar and is very good at mathematics and physics. I’m sure that he is very talented.
6 The plane for the flight from London to New brk took off an hour ago. It is certainly over the Atlantic by now;

Ответ от эксперта

1. He may be busy (Он может быть занят).
2. Johny must be fifteen now (Джонни должно быть 15 лет сейчас).
3. He can’t be ill (Он не может быть простуженным (болеть)).
4. The boy in the red T-shirt can’t be Mike (Мальчик в красной футболке не может быть Майком).
5. He must be very talented (Он должно быть очень талантливый).
6. It must be over the Atlantic now (Он должен быть над Атлантическим океаном сейчас).

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