Read what Russian children write about their hometowns. Join the sentences with (al)though, but, or however. More than one answer may be possible.

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Read what Russian children write about their hometowns. Join the sentences with (al)though, but, or however. More than one answer may be possible.
0)   «Osh is not the largest city in Kyrgyzstan. Its history, scenery and people make the city unique.»
Osh is not the largest citv in Kyrgyzstan. However, its history, scenery and people make the city unique.
1)   «My hometown is situated in the north of our country. The temperature seldom is below -20 °C in winter.»
2) «Everything is simple and quiet in Elets. Beautiful scenery and old churches attract many tourists.»
3) «My city is rather young. There is much to see and do there.’
4)  ‘»My city is famous for its football club. I’m not a football fan.»
5)   «Lipetsk was founded over 300 years ago. It became the capital of the region in the middle of the 20th century.»
6) «I have travelled to many different cities. My hometown is the best and it will always be my home.»
7) «Chelyabinsk is a good place for young people who like the excitement of the city and do not mind the noise and pollution. Many people, when they get older, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.»

Ответ от эксперта

1)    (Al)Though my hometown is situated in the north of our country, the tempe
rature seldom drops below -20 °C in winter. My hometown is situated in the
north of our country but the temperature seldom drops below -20 °C in win
ter. My hometown is situated in the north of our country. However, the tem
perature seldom drops below -20 °C in winter.
2)    Though everything is simple and quiet in Elets, beautiful scenery and old
churches attract many tourists. Everything is simple and quiet in Elets but
beautiftil scenery and old churches attract many tourists. Everything is simple
and quiet in Elets. However, beautiful scenery and old churches attract many
3)    Though my city is rather young, there is much to see and do there. My city is
rather young but there is much to see and do there. My city is rather young.
However, there is much to see and do there.
4)    My city is famous for a football club but I’m not a football fan.
5)    Though Lipetsk was founded over 300 years ago, it became the capital of the
region in the middle of the 20th century. Lipetsk was founded over 300 years
ago but it became the capital of the region in the middle of the 20th century.
Lipetsk was founded over 300 years ago. However, it became the capital of the
region in the middle of the 20th century.
6)    I have travelled to many different cities but my hometown is the best and it
will always be my home.
7) Chelyabinsk is a good place for young people who like the excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution but many people, when they get older, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside. Chelyabinsk is a good place for young people who like the excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.

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