Read Tim’s letter to a youth magazine. Fill in the gaps with the options below the text. To Prevent or to Resolve a Conflict? I don’t like (1) quarrelling and conflicts of any kind and try (2) to avoid

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Read Tim’s letter to a youth magazine. Fill in the gaps with the options below the text.
To Prevent or to Resolve a Conflict?
I don’t like (1) quarrelling and conflicts of any kind and try (2) to avoid them. However, it’s my peaceful character which often (3) causes conflicts in my family. The thing is that they accuse (обвинять) me of telling lies. But I never tell lies. I don’t tell the whole truth, but it’s not the same thing.
To put it frankly, I don’t always inform my parents of any discouraging test results or about my teacher s wish to see either my mum or dad as soon as possible. It’s not because I want (4) to escape punishment but because I don’t want to hurt their feelings. What’s the use in having a dull conversation with my teacher about my poor progress? Isn4 it unfair to my parents who (5) deserve a quiet evening in front of the TV set after a long working day?
As for the teachers, I try to prevent any conflicts with them too. I tell them that my parents are pretty busy at the moment, but they worry a lot about my grades (who can say that that’s a lie?!) and will come as soon as they have a little more time.
The problem is that sooner or later they’ll meet anyway. And then I’ll have to invent a new method of (6) resolving a serious conflict.

Ответ от эксперта

1 a) quarrelling
2 с) to avoid them
3 d) causes
4 а) to escape punishment
5 а) deserve
6 d) resolving

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