Read through Angela’s story again in Ex. 91 and compare it with A Space Wedding in Ex. 98. Then answer the following questions. 1 Is the same information included in both stories?

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Read through Angela’s story again in Ex. 91 and compare it with A Space Wedding in Ex. 98. Then answer the following questions.
1    Is the same information included in both stories? (See questions in Ex. 100.)
2    What do the two stories have in common?
3    Choose one of the stories and write a scheme for it.
4    Do Angela and the journalist follow the same scheme?
5    What makes the stories interesting to read? Would you change anything? Why? / Why not?
6    What verb tenses are used to describe the events?

Ответ от эксперта

1. Yes, the same information is included in both stories (Да, одинаковая информация включена в обе истории).
2. The two stories have in common several things: the characters’ opinions, the main characters, the reasons for the event (У двух историй общие несколько вещей: мнения героев, главные ге-рои, причины для события).
3. Students’ own answers (Собственные ответы студентов).
4. Students’ own answers (Собственные ответы студентов).
5. I think that I won’t change anything in the stories, because they are interested to read. It’s because of the emotions, which the characters felt. We can see them through both two stories (Я думаю, что я ничего не поменял бы в историях, т.к. их интересно читать. Это потому что там описаны эмоции, которые испытывают герои. Мы можем видеть их в обеих историях.
6. Past forms of the verbs are used, (past simple, past continues, past perfect) (Прошедшие формы глаголов используются)

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