Read the words. Write them down info five groups. One word can be put in different groups Use: tall, pretty, green, beautiful, short, brown, nice, slim, wavy, red, straight, good-looking, grey, fat, long, fair, blue, green, hadsorne, dark

Вопрос посетителя

Read the words. Write them down info five groups. One word can be put in different groups
Use: tall, pretty, green, beautiful, short, brown, nice, slim, wavy, red, straight, good-looking, grey, fat, long, fair, blue, green, hadsorne, dark

Ответ эксперта

Height: tall, short
Size: slim, fat, ling, plumb
Hair (colour, style): fair, red, dark; straight, wavy
Eyes (colour): green, brown, grey, blue
Appearance: pretty, beautiful, nice, good-looking, handsome

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