Read the verbs referring to people’s relationships and divide them into two columns: 1) the verbs which seem negative to you; 2) the verbs which seem positive to you.

Вопрос посетителя

Read the verbs referring to people’s relationships and divide them into two columns: 1) the verbs which seem negative to you; 2) the verbs which seem positive to you.

Ответ эксперта

to quarrel (ссориться)
to betray (предавать)
to feel jealous (ревновать)
to ignore (игнорировать)
to feel lonely (чувствовать себя одиноким)
to annoy (раздражать)

to support (поддерживать)
to appreciate (ценить)
to rely on (полагаться на)
to care for (заботиться о)
to defend (защищать)
to encourage (поощрять)

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