Read the two letters and fill in the gaps with the best options below the text. I don’t like it when people smoke. I feel sick and get a headache when somebody (1) is smoking

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Read the two letters and fill in the gaps with the best options below the text.
I don’t like it when people smoke. I feel sick and get a headache when somebody (1) is smoking beside me. I don’t want to (2) put up with a society that supports smokers. I don’t approve of the fact that cigarettes (3) are sold in public places. Actually, you can buy them everywhere — in cinemas, in hotels, even in sport centres! Kids watch people smoking and can pick up the bad habit. I think that smoking should be banned in any public place. It’s not fair to make other people (4) suffer from headaches just because smokers don’t want to give up their habit.
I’m a heavy smoker. I (5) have been smoking for fifteen years, and (6) can’t put it off. My family criticise me for this unhealthy habit, but I lack the willpower (7) to give it up. So they have to (8) to put up with it. The problem is that I suffer a lot when I happen to be in so-called «non-smoking areas». I think that society should (9) provide more places for smokers since there are a lot of us.

Ответ от эксперта

1 b) is smoking
2 d) put up with
З а) are sold
4 b) suffer from
5 d) have been smoking
6 с) can’t do without it
7 a) to give it up
8 с) put up with it
9 с) provide

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