Read the theory, then fill the gaps with words derived from the words in brackets. We use -ed participles to describe how we feel and -ing participles

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Read the theory, then fill the gaps with words derived from the words in brackets.
We use -ed participles to describe how we feel and -ing participles to describe what something or someone is like.
We got bored (How did we feel? Bored.) The play was boring. (What was it like? Boring.)
Is it funny or not?
«I find April Fool’s Day quite 1)……..(tire). I can’t stand people playing silly jokes on one another all day long. It’s so 2)……..(annoy) I Also I always feel 3)……..(embarrass) when someone tries to play a trick on me.
Young people seem to get all 4)……..(excite) about it though. It’s 5)……..(amaze) how they keep coming up with ways to fool people. You would think that they would get 6). (bore) after a while, but no. What’s even more 7)… (surprise) is the number of people who forget about April Fool’s Day and get caught out. Anyway. I’m glad it only goes on until midday. Imagine how 8)……..(exhaust) it would be for someone to play tricks on you all day long.»

Ответ от эксперта

1 tiring (утомительный, -ing, т.к. описывает какой день)
2 annoying (раздражает, -ing, т.к. описывает какого это)
3 embarrassed (неловко, -ed, т.к. описывает чувства говорящего)
4 excited (восторженно, -ed, т.к. описывает чувства детишек)
5 amazing (удивительно, -ing, т.к. описывает какого это)
6 bored (соскучиться, -ed, т.к. описывает чувства детишек)
7 surprising (поразительно, -ing, т.к. описывает какого это)
8 exhausting (изнурительно, -ing, т.к. описывает какого это)

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