Read the theory boxes. Which of the extracts 1-6 are from informal and which from semi- formal letters? How do you know? Informal & semi-formal letters/emails

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Read the theory boxes. Which of the extracts 1-6 are from informal and which from semi- formal letters? How do you know?
Informal & semi-formal letters/emails
We normally write informal (friendly) letters or emails to close relatives, friends, people of our own age or other people we know well. We write semi-formal letters or emails to people we do not know very well or when we want to be more polite and respectful a friend’s parents, a teacher etc.
Semi-formal writing is characterised by a more polite tone than informal. It uses less colloquial language Thank you very much for your letter (NOT: Thanks a lot for your letter), and fewer short forms (I’ll, can’t), phrasal verbs (get on, settle in) & idioms Telephone me if I can help you with … (NOT: Give mo a ring if you need a hand with…)

Ответ от эксперта

1 semi-formal (Looking forward to meeting you) (полуофициальное) (Жду с нетерпением нашей встречи)
2 informal (Hi Sally!) (неформальное) (Привет, Салли!)
3 semi-formal (Regarding our recent telephone conversation).. (Полуофициальное) (Ссылаясь на наш недавний телефонный разговор…)
4 informal (Lots of love) (неформальное) (с любовью)
5 semi-formal (Dear Mrs Carter, I am writing on behalf).. (полуофициальное) (Дорогая Мисси Картер, я пишу от имени…)
6 informal (Hi Megan) (неформальное) (Привет Меган)

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