Read the texts in Ex. 30, p. 21 in Student’s Book and complete the sentences. Use the following words and phrases. Example: Alan says that a family is a unity of people who support each other

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Read the texts in Ex. 30, p. 21 in Student’s Book and complete the sentences. Use the following words and phrases.
Example: Alan says that a family is a unity of people who support each other in different situations.
1 Alan doesn’t trust friends very much. He thinks that friends can betray him.
2 Julia thinks that life isn’t worth living without friends.
3 Julia thinks that her parents care only about their jobs and making money.
4 Catherine always appreciates her parents’ advice.
5 If Catherine doesn’t like the advice, she ignores it.
6 Catherine often agrees with what her parents say because she finds their arguments quite convincing.

Ответ от эксперта

1 betray him
2 isn’t worth living without friends
3 care only about their jobs and making money
4 appreciates her parents’ advice
5 she ignores it
6 finds their arguments quite convincing

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