Read the texts in Ex. 112, p. 37 in Student’s Book. Find and write down the words which mean: things can be called like that when they can exist or be used together

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Read the texts in Ex. 112, p. 37 in Student’s Book. Find and write down the words which mean:
things can be called like that when they can exist or be used together
designed to be thrown away after you have used it once or just a few times
made of waste materials
to put an amount of something into a container but not for the first time
a flat piece of plastic, metal, or wood with raised edges, used for carrying things such as plates or food
a date printed on something you buy that shows that it may be less safe to eat or less effective after this date

Ответ от эксперта

1. compatible
2. disposable
3. exceedingly
4. recycled
5. to refill
6. tray
7. use-by date

1. совместимый
2. одноразовый
3. чрезвычайно
4. переработанный
5. снова наполнять
6. поднос
7. срок годности

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