Read the text “The world of English” on page 57 of your Student’s Book (Part 2) and write out words with long [i:] and short [I] sounds in stressed syllables. Practise their pronunciation.

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Read the text “The world of English” on page 57 of your Student’s Book (Part 2) and write out words with long [i:] and short [I] sounds in stressed syllables. Practise their pronunciation.

Ответ эксперта

Прочитайте текст «Мир английского языка» на стр 57 вашего учебника (часть 2) и выпишите слова с долгим [i:] и кратким [i] звуком в ударных слогах. Попрактикуйте их произношение.
[i:] – least, people, New Zealand, speakers, speak, believed, means
[i] – English, England, in, it, is, citizens, official, India, Philippines, million, with, business

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