Read the text in Ex. 46, p. 170 in Student’s Book and complete the sentences with the following words: 1 A person who has full rights as a member of a country is called a sitizen.

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Read the text in Ex. 46, p. 170 in Student’s Book and complete the sentences with the following words:
1 A person who has full rights as a member of a country is called a sitizen.
2    Senior people are those who have higher rank or status compared with others.
3    Women in Russia retire earlier than men.
4    In large counties, there are a lot of minorities who speak both the national language and their own native language.
5    Young people of my generation are good computer and Internet users.
6    To have a disability means that you are unable to use your body in certain ways because of disease or an accident.
7    The ethic traditions of some people living in the Russian Federation are very different.

Ответ от эксперта

1 citizen
2 Senior
3 retire
4 minorities
5 generation
6 disability
7 ethnic

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