Read the text below. a) Find the English equivalents to the words and underline them in the text. быть дома искать что-нибудь почитать

Вопрос пользователя

Read the text below.
a) Find the English equivalents to the words and underline them in the text.
быть дома
искать    что-нибудь почитать
случайно натолкнуться на что-то, случайно обнаружить
вылечить скуку
сколотить состояние
играть в азартные игры
умереть без гроша в кармане
безумно влюбиться
убежать из дома
придуманное (ненастоящее) имя
оказаться совершенно одной
скопить деньги на дорогу домой
карнавальное    платье,    костюм
It was a grey rainy day. Jane was in and was searching the shelves for something to read. Granny was having a nap in the armchair. Jane came across a thick and heavy album with old photos. It definitely wasn’t the thing to cure her boredom, but, nevertheless, she looked through several pages.
“Who is he?” Jane asked her grandmother, pointing to a photo of a handsome man with a thick moustache and a square beard. “My uncle,” replied the grandmother, “he was a sailor. He had left home before I was born. He went to America to dig for gold. People said he had made a fortune there. But he gambled and died penniless. He had an Indian wife and three daughters. One of them, extremely beautiful, became a film star.”
“And what about this lady?” Jane moved to a photo of a pretty woman in a lovely old-fashioned cap with ribbons. “My Nanny,” the grandmother gave a mild little smile. “She was French, from a noble family. In her early years she fell desperately in love with a young officer. Her parents did not approve of their marriage and she escaped from home, in a man’s dress and under a false name, to follow that man. However, he was killed in one of the battles quite soon, and she found herself alone, in a foreign country. She had to work as a nanny to save some money for the trip back. That is how she entered our house. We loved her very much and finally she decided to stay with us.”
Jane felt more and more interested. “And look, this is me … in a fancy dress!” “No,” laughed the grandmother. “This is me, in my favourite dress. It was given to me for my fifth birthday.” Jane had a strange feeling as if the waves of memories were passing through the room. Her family story was turning into something alive and extremely exciting…
b) Write a story (a real or imaginary one) about someone From your family. Ask your parents and grandparents for information.

Ответ эксперта

Быть дома — to be in;
Искать что-нибудь почитать — to search for something to read;
Дремать — to have a nap;
Случайно наткнуться на что — to come across something;
Вылечить скуку — to cure boredom;
Сколотить состояние — to make a fortune;
Играть в азартные игры — to gamble;
Умереть без гроша в кармане — to die penniless;
Няня — nanny;
Безумно влюбиться — to fall desperately in love with;
Убежать из дома — to escape from home;
Придумать имя — under a false name;
Оказаться совершенно одной — to find oneself alone;
Скопить деньги на дорогу домой — to save money for the trip back;
Карнавальное платье — fancy dress;
Превращаться — turn out

b) Напишите историю (реальную или вымышленную) о ком-то в вашей семье. Узнайте информацию у ваших родителей, бабушек и дедушек

My grandfather fought in the World War II. My grandmother was a nurse at the time. Perhaps, you think that it’s a conventional love story, but it’s not so. She lived and worked at that time in Podolsk, he was wounded and taken to the hospital. They got married a year later, and my father was born. The war continued, the grandfather went to fight in Moscow, and my grandmother left alone with the child. 10 years have passed. She relentlessly waited for him and believed that he was alive. He was captured by the Germans and when the war ended he could not find his relatives. So, they waited for 10 years, believed and looked for each other and the miracle happened! Accidentally, they met on the embankment of the Neva river! Since that time they lived happily together. I think that’s just the fate!

Мой дедушка воевал в великой отечественной войне. Бабушка была медсестрой в то время. Возможно, вы подумаете, обычная история любви, но это не так. Она жила и работала в то время в Подольске, он был ранен и попал к ней в госпиталь. Спустя год они поженились, и родился мой отец. Но война продолжалась, дед уехал воевать в Москву, а бабушка осталась она на руках с ребенком. С тех пор прошло 10 лет. Она неустанно ждала его и верила, что он жив. Он попал в плен к немцам, а когда война закончилась не смог найти своих родных. Так, 10 лет они ждали, верили и искали друг друга и чудо случилось! Cлучайно, на набережной Невы реки они встретились. С тех пор они жили вместе счастливо. Я думаю, это просто судьба!

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