Read the text and match the phrases (A-G) to the gaps (1-6). There’s one extra phrase. Dear Jane, Hi. How are you? I hope you are well. Sorry

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Read the text and match the phrases (A-G) to the gaps (1-6). There’s one extra phrase.
Dear Jane,
Hi. How are you? I hope you are well. Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve written, 1)……….
Well, I love my new house and neighbourhood! The neighbours are fantastic 2)……….A young woman called Kate lives next door. She watered my plants for me 3)……….She also walks my dog for me from time to time. too. I really like her a lot and we often go out to the cinema or for a coffee together. Mrs Green who lives across the road is really nice. She watches my house in the evenings when I’m out and in return I do a bit of shopping for her 4)……….
It’s completely different from where I used to live, 5)………on the street and play loud music late at night. No one was friendly there. My old neighbours 6)………. If I had known how much better things could be, I would have moved house a lot sooner!
I really love it here. I’m so glad I moved. How are things with you?
Write back soon and tell me all your news. Perhaps you can come for a visit some time.
A while I was away last weekend
В would peep at me from behind their curtains
С who is very nice and friendly
D and I’ve made friends with some of them already
E where the kids next door would drop litter
F but as you know I’ve been busy moving house
G or some other small errands

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