Read the text and fill in the gaps 1-8 with the correct word formed from the capitalised words. Compare with your partner. Cubism was a popular painting style

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Read the text and fill in the gaps 1-8 with the correct word formed from the capitalised words. Compare with your partner.
Cubism was a popular painting style from around the 1900s. Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque were two 1)……..Cubist painters. They used Cubism to show people a new way of 2    )……..the world. They looked at an object or person and broke it down into shapes. Then they put these shapes back together to make a picture which represented the 3 )……..object even though it may not look very much like it anymore. They used shapes such as rectangles, cylinders and cubes. Most of their paintings were dark and used dull colours like grey and brown. This makes the painting seem to have many layers and so it can be seen from a number of 4) viewpoints.

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1 famous (известный)
2 seeing (видение)
3 original (оригинальный)
4 different (различный)
5 Artists (Художники)
6 representations (представления)
7 bigger (больше)
8 unusual (необычный)

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