Read the text and answer the following questions. 1 What is a social networking system? 2 How can you become part of one? 3 What are the benefits of being part of such a system?

Вопрос от пользователя

Read the text and answer the following questions.
1 What is a social networking system?
2 How can you become part of one?
3 What are the benefits of being part of such a system?
4 How are such systems different?
5 What is the most popular system called? How did it develop?
6 What are the drawbacks of being a member of such a system?
Apparently quite a few other people have had the same idea, which accounts for the increasing popularity of social networking systems — online networks of people linked together in much the same way documents are linked together on the web. In a typical scenario, I register on a web page and send invitations to my friends to become part of my network or community. My friends, in turn, invite their friends and so on. Only after joining the network (on the invitation of a trusted third party) can someone see my personal details — e-mail address, location, hobbies, interests, and the like. Since everyone in the network is a «friend of a friend» (though perhaps several times removed , we all have a greater level of comfort about contacting each other and sharing information. Some of these networks are geared primarily toward dating, some are strictly for business contacts or employment searches, and still others are more general-purpose — for making friends, finding people to join you in recreational activities, or discussing common interests.
Certain social networking systems are exclusive and invitation-only: you can’t join unless you know someone who’s already a member — but once you do join, you can contact (and be contacted by) anyone in the network. Other services allow anyone to join, but restrict newcomers’ activities until they’ve been approved or «sponsored» by an existing member. Still others maintain multiple, non-overlapping networks, so that I can start my own network without an invitation, but I don’t get access to members who are part of another network unless the two groups share at least one member in common. Usually you can search for people you know who are already part of a network, and once such a person verifies tha: you’re a friend, you then have access to all your friend’s friends — and their networks.
Social networking systems of one sort or another have been around for a number o* years, but they reached fad status only in 2003, thanks to the service known as Friendster. Withi-three months of its debut, Friendster had ove-a million members. A year later, the numbe-had passed seven million. Meanwhile, competing sites sprang up by the truckload, each with its own spin on the networking concept. These sites proliferated so quickly that they soon became known by the acronym YASNS («yet another socia networking system» . But while membership has steadily increased, actual use is another story. For example, while researching this article I searchec Friendster for people in my address book anc found quite a few — but also found that most of them hadn’t logged in for many months. In fact, all of the networks I’ve investigated have a sizable percentage of «stale» members. Besides the time and effort required to use the systems, man. users have found that «friends of friends» aren i necessarily people they want to have relationships with. For example, I noticed today that one of nr. friends had a friend with whom I’ve had some unpleasant dealings in the past. My friend ma. trust him, but I don’t — yet he’s now part of m. network. Still another difficulty is that most o* these networks are completely distinct from eacr other. If your friends do not all use the same system, it becomes very difficult to maintain a coherent network of contacts.

Ответ от эксперта

1. What is a social networking system?
A social networking system is an online network of people linked together.
(Что такое социальная сетевая система?
Социальная сетевая система это сеть людей онлайн, связанных друг с другом.)
2. How can you become part of one?
You just need to register on a web page and send invitations to your friends to become part of your network or community.
(Как ты можешь стать ее частью?
Тебе просто нужно зарегистрироваться на странице сайта, и разослать приглашения своим друзьям, чтобы стать частью своего сообщества.)
3. What are the benefits of being part of such a system?
Everyone in the network is a «friend of a friend» (though perhaps several times removed). You have a greater level of comfort about contacting each other and sharing information.
(В чем преимущества быть частью такой системы?
Каждый в сети «друг друга» (хотя, возможно, несколько раз удаляться). Вам комфортнее взаимодействовать друг с другом и делиться информацией.)
4. How are such systems different?
Some of these networks are geared primarily toward dating, some are strictly for business contacts or employment searches, and still others are more general-purpose — for making friends, finding people to join you in recreational activities, or discussing common interests.
(Как такие системы отличаются?
Некоторые из этих сетей, направлены, в первую очередь, на знакомства, некоторые из них строго для деловых контактов и поиска работы, а другие на более общие цели — для создания друзей, поиска людей, чтобы они присоединились к вам для развлекательной деятельности, или обсуждения общих интересов.)
5. What is the most popular system called? How did it develop?
The most popular system is called Friendster. Within three months of its debut, Friendster had over a million members.
(Как называется самая популярная система? Как она развивалась?
Самая популярная система называется Фриндстер. Спустя три месяца после своего дебюта, у Фриндстер было свыше миллиона пользователей.)
6. What are the drawbacks of being a member of such a system?
All of the networks have percentage of «stale» members; besides the time and effort required using the system, many users have found that «friends of friends» aren’t necessarily people they want to have relations with.
(Какие существуют недостатки быть членом такой системы?
Во всех членах есть процент «устаревших» членов; кроме того, время и усилия, необходимые для использования системы. Многие пользователи обнаружили, что «друзей друзей» — не обязательны люди, с которыми они хотят иметь отношения.)

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