Read the text again. Who (Andy, Tina or Sarah : Sarah Tyson (New Zealand , age 16, high school student, likes: shopping & friends

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Read the text again. Who (Andy, Tina or Sarah :
Sarah Tyson (New Zealand , age 16, high school student, likes: shopping & friends
«I’m not really into computers, gadgets and things like that, but I have to admit I really can’t imagine life without my iPod®! It’s amazing being able to store the whole of your music collection on one tiny device. I like to listen to it when I’m walking to and from school. Also, I’d find it almost impossible to be without my mobile phone. I just couldn’t organise my social life without it and my parents only allow me to stay out late on Saturday if I keep calling them. They want to know where I am. I’ve just bought a digital camera with my birthday money. It’s fantastic. I’ve taken so many photos of my friends. In fact, I’m even considering a career as a photographer.»
1 needs a particular gadget for his/her hobby?
2 values something that they didn’t buy themselves?
3 isn’t very keen on technology?
4 uses a gadget to help with his/ her studies?
5 would feel disorganised without a particular gadget?
6 feels embarrassed about something he/she likes?
7 is allowed more freedom because of a gadget?

Ответ от эксперта

1 Tino
2 Andy
3 Sarah
4 Andy
5 Tina
6 Andy
7 Sarah

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