Read the text again carefully. Choose А, В, С or D for questions 1-5. Give reasons. 1 Before they were ‘The Railway Children’, the children … A always loved the railway.

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Read the text again carefully. Choose А, В, С or D for questions 1-5. Give reasons.
1    Before they were ‘The Railway Children’, the children …
A always loved the railway.
В only used the railway to go to the zoo.
С just saw the railway as a means of transport.
D never travelled by train.
2    Mother spent most of her time …
A visiting old ladies.
В sitting at home.
С writing poetry.
D helping her children.
3    The children’s father often …
A got angry.
В made excuses.
С told funny jokes.
D played with them.
4    The exploding engine didn’t…
A frighten the dog.
В hurt Peter’s feelings.
С injure Peter.
D break the Noah’s Ark people.
5    Peter went to bed because …
A he was very upset.
В he had caught a cold.
С he had a problem with his eyes.
D the others told him to.

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