Read the table. Use words/phrases from the table to present a famous person to the class. The class guesses who he/she is. Age: young, in his/her (early/late) twenties, thirties

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Read the table. Use words/phrases from the table to present a famous person to the class. The class guesses who he/she is.
Age: young, in his/her (early/late) twenties, thirties etc, younger/older than he/she
Looks: looks, middle-aged etc, good-looking, pretty, beautiful,) handsome, rather ugly etc
Height: (rather) short, (quite) tall, of average height etc
Weigh: (a bit) thin, (rather) plump, overweight, skinny, thin, slim, strong, muscular, of) medium build etc
Hair: fair, blond(e), dark, ginger, going grey, almost bald, white, curly, wavy,) straight, shoulder-length, long etc
Eyes: almond-shaped, dark, small, green, blue etc
Personality: funny, hard-working, talkative, friendly, (a bit) dull/boring, energetic, sporty, moody, creative, shy, bossy, sensible, impatient, humorous, stubborn, selfish, generous etc
Interests: photography, drawing, sports, making model cars, painting, reading, travelling,) cinema, theatre, music etc
She was born in 1975. She’s an actress. She’s very beautiful. She’s tall and thin with Ions, dark, straight hair and green eyes. She’s generous and energetic. She likes travelling and seeing different parts of the world. She played Lara Croft. Who is she?

Ответ эксперта

He is a sports star in his thirties. He’s tall with a strong muscular build. He has blond, very short hair. He has almond shaped, green eyes. He is humorous and has an unusual style. He is quite good-looking and his fans love him. He is the best football player in the world. Who is he?
David Beckham
(Он звезда спорта и ему 30. Он высокий с сильным мускулистым телом. У него светлые, очень короткие волосы. У него зеленые миндалевидные глаза. Он с чувством юмора, и у него необычный стиль. Он приятной внешности, и его фанаты любят его. Он лучший футбольный игрок в мире. Кто он?
Дэвид Бэкхем)

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