Read the story again and answer the questions. 1.How many children has Mrs Mouse got? What are their names? 2.Who lives in the field?

Вопрос от пользователя

Read the story again and answer the questions.
1.How many children has Mrs Mouse got? What are their names?
2.Who lives in the field?

Ответ от эксперта

  1. How many children has Mrs Mouse got? What are their names? — Mrs Mouse has got three children, Billy, Becky and Bobby. — Сколько детей у миссис Мышки, и как их зовут? — У миссис Мышки трое детей: Билли, Бекки и Бобби.
  2. Who lives in the field? — Old Black Cat lives in the field. — Кто живет в поле? — Старый черный кот живет в поле.
  3. What is there in the bag? — There is flour in the bag. — Что в мешке? — В мешке мука.
  4. What colour are the mice now? — They are white. — Какого цвета мышки сейчас? — Они белые.
  5. What washes the flour away? — The rain washes the flour away. — Что смыло муку? — Дождь смыл муку.
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