Read the situations (1-4 . What do you think self-defence is? Read the definition to check. 1 You are waiting for a lift, but when it arrives and the doors open

Вопрос посетителя

Read the situations (1-4 . What do you think self-defence is? Read the definition to check.
1 You are waiting for a lift, but when it arrives and the doors open, you see that it is empty apart from a man standing in the corner. He makes you feel uneasy. What would you do?
A trust your bad feeling and not get in
В get in anyway
С something else
2 The school bullies start shouting insulting comments at you on your way home from school. What would you do?
A shout insulting comments back
В say nothing and walk away
С something else
3 You have just left the school library and it’s starting to get dark. Your dad is at work so he can’t pick you up. What would you do?
A take the short cut across the park — you’re tired and want to get home quickly
В catch the bus, sit at the back and fall asleep С something else
4 You are walking back from your friend’s house one day when a mugger suddenly tries to snatch your bag. What would you do?
A let him take your bag immediately
В hold onto your bag tightly, then run away if you can
С something else

Ответ эксперта

Self-defence is a way of protecting yourself from dangerous situations.
(Самозащита – это способ защитить себя от опасной ситуации.)

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