Read the sentences. What follows each structure, a plural or singular verb? Both John and Peter are iri the basketball team. (John is and Peter is too.

Вопрос посетителя

Read the sentences. What follows each structure, a plural or singular verb?
Both John and Peter are iri the basketball team. (John is and Peter is too.
Neither Sue nor Ann like(s) sport. (Sue doesn’t and Ann doesn’t either.
Either John or Mary is going to pick up the children. (John is going to, or Mary is, but not both.

Ответ эксперта

Both sentences are followed by a plural verb (После предложений с both (и…и) следует глагол во множественном числе).
Neither sentence is followed by either a singular or plural verb (После предложений с neither (ни…ни) следует глагол либо в единственном, либо во множественном числе).
Either sentence is followed by a singular noun (После предложений с either (либо…либо) следует существительное в единственном числе).

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