Read the sentences. Translate them into Russian. Write down the phrases that contain the word «health». Use your Workbook. • His health improved once he stopped smoking.

Вопрос посетителя

Read the sentences. Translate them into Russian. Write down the phrases that contain the word «health». Use your Workbook.
• His health improved once he stopped smoking.
• Eating junk food can seriously damage your health.
• Stress is definitely bad for your health.
• What helps you to stay in good health?
• He has been in poor health lately.
• A balanced diet helps to maintain health.
• He stopped working because of ill health.
• It can take you several years to regain your health.
• You can have a free health check if you work for this company.
• Living in the city centre can be a hazard to your health.

Ответ эксперта

improve your health (улучшать свое здоровье)
bad for your health (плохо для здоровья)
damage your health (наносить вред здоровью)
stay in good health (оставаться в добром здравии)
check your health (проверить свое здоровье)
be in poor health (быть в плохом здравии)
be a hazard to your health (вредно для здоровья)
regain your health (восстановить свое здоровье)
maintain health (поддерживать здоровье)
ill health (нездоровье)

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