Read the sentences. These sentences are from the following dialogue between a shop assistant and a customer. Who says what? Listen and check.

Вопрос посетителя

Read the sentences. These sentences are from the following dialogue between a shop assistant and a customer. Who says what? Listen and check
• I’d like to send some flowers, please.
• When would you like us to send them?
• A dozen red roses.
• Would you like to include a card?
• That will be £40 including delivery.

Ответ эксперта

Shop assistant: “When would you like us to deliv er them?”; “Would you like to include a card?”; “That will be £40 including delivery.” — Продавец: «Когда вы хотите, чтобы их доставили?», «Вы хотите вложить карточку?», «Это будет стоить 40 фунтов, включая доставку»

Customer: “I’d like to send some flowers, please.”; “A dozen red roses.” — Покупатель: «Я хотел бы послать цветы», «Дюжину красных роз»

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