Read the rule. Then fill in: much, many We use (how) many with countable nouns How many carrots have we got? Not many

Вопрос от пользователя

Read the rule. Then fill in: much, many
We use (how) many with countable nouns
How many carrots have we got? Not many
How much rice have we got? Not much.

Ответ от эксперта

  1. “How many oranges are there?” “Not many«.
  2. “How much rice is there?” “Not much«
  3. “How many potatoes are there?” “Not many«.
  4. “How many biscuits are there?» “Not many«
  5. “How much milk is there?» “Not much«
  6. «How many apples are there?” «Not many«
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