Read the rubrics below and find the key words. Then discuss: reason for writing; who will read the letter/email; how you would begin/end; what style you would write in; what information

Вопрос посетителя

Read the rubrics below and find the key words. Then discuss: reason for writing; who will read the letter/email; how you would begin/end; what style you would write in; what information you would include in each paragraph.
A visiting speaker recently came to your school to give a talk on peer pressure. Your teacher has asked you to write a letter on behalf of your class to thank her (120-150 words). Include:
• why your class appreciated the talk
• if she can come again and speak to another class
You are studying in England. Your English friend, Tom, has sent you an email with a request. Read Tom’s email and the notes you have made. Reply to Tom’s email, using all your notes. (120-150 words)
Hi Paula,
At last school is over! I’m so happy I’ve finished my exams!
Some friends and I are going on a camping holiday this summer. Do you want to come along?
Do you have any camping equipment We could use? I know that you have been camping in the past.
Hope you can come. If you have any questions, just ask!
Write back soon,

Ответ эксперта

A key words: talk on peer pressure, write letter, on behalf of class, thank her (ключевые слова: говорить о давлении сверстников, писать письмо, от имени класса, благодарить ее)

reason for writing: thank and invite (причина написания: благодарность и приглашение)
who will read the letter/email: visiting speaker (кто напишет письмо/электронное письмо: посетитель)
how to begin/end: Dear Mrs + (surname /Regards, (full name) (кто начнет/закончит: Дорогая Миссис + (фамилия /С уважением, (полное имя )
what style to write in: semi-formal (в каком стиле писать: полуофициальное)
B key words: English friend, Tom, request, email, notes (ключевые слова: английский друг, Том, просьба, письмо, заметки)
reason for writing: invite and give information (причина написания: пригласить и дать информацию)
who will read the letter/email: Tom (a friend) (кто прочитает письмо/электронное письмо: Том (друг )
how to begin/end: Hi Tom!/Lots of love, Paula (кто начнет/закончит: Привет Том!/С любовью, Паула)
what style to write in: informal (в каком стиле писать: неформальном)
what information to include in each paragraph A & B: (какую информацию включить в каждый абзац А и В)

para 1 opening remarks/reason for writing (часть 1 начать с заметок/причин написания)
paras 2, 3 main subject(s) of letter/ email (часть 2,3 основные темы письма/электронного письма)
para 4 closing remarks (часть 4 завершающие пометки)

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