Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. This is part of a letter you received from your American penfriend Jim.

Вопрос посетителя

Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.
This is part of a letter you received from your American penfriend Jim. Write a letter to your friend.
I recently visited Paris and went shopping at a great open-air market. I enjoyed it a lot. Are there open-air markets in your town? What can you buy from them?
1    Who is going to read your letter?
2    Why are you writing the letter?
3    Where are the markets?
4    What can you buy there?
5    What opening/closing remarks will you use?

Ответ эксперта

Key words: part, letter, pen friend, write, letter (Ключевые слова: часть, письмо, друг по переписке, писать, письмо)
1 My American pen friend, Jim, is going to read my letter.
(Мой американский друг по переписке, Джим, собирается прочитать мое письмо)
2 To give my friend some information about open air markets in my town.
(Чтобы дать моему другу информацию об открытых рынках в моем городе)
3 They are in the city centre.
(Они в центре города)
4 You can buy anything from vintage clothing to antiques.
(Ты можешь купить все, начиная от винтажных вещей и заканчивая антиквариатом)
5 I can start with: Dear Jim and end with I’d better go and do some work! Take care.
(Я могу начать с: Дорогой Джим, и закончить: Я лучше пойду и поделаю кое-какую работу! Береги себя!)

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