Read the rubric and find the key words. Answer questions 1-3. You have had a class discussion about banning cars from city centres.

Вопрос посетителя

Read the rubric and find the key words. Answer questions 1-3.
You have had a class discussion about banning cars from city centres. Your teacher has now asked you to write an essay for the school magazine presenting the arguments for and against this idea.
1    What will the essay be about?
2    What style will you write it in?
3    Which of the following points could your essay include? Which are pros and which are cons?
•    reduce traffic jams
•    cars are faster and more comfortable
•    lower petrol costs
•    reduce accidents
•    reduce air and noise pollution
•    crowded public transport
•    public transport follows fixed routes Can you add any more ideas?

Ответ эксперта

key words: banning traffic from city centres, teacher, write essay, school magazine, arguments for and against
1 I am writing the essay to examine arguments for and against banning traffic from city centres for the school magazine.
2 Formal style.
3 Points to include: reduce traffic jams (pro), reduce accidents (pro), reduce air and noise pollution (pro), cars faster and more comfortable (con), crowded public transport (con), public transport follows fixed routes (con).
— safer for pedestrians
— quieter for people who live there
ключевые слова: запрет на движение в центре, учитель, написать эссе, школьный журнал, аргументы за и против
1 я напишу эссе с аргументами за и против запрещения движения в центре для школьного журнала.
2 в формальном стиле.
3 пункты: уменьшение пробок (за), сокращение количества несчастных случаев (за), уменьшения загрязнения воздуха и шума (за), автомобили быстрее и комфортнее (против), переполненный общественный транспорт (против), общественный транспорт, следующий по фиксированным маршрутам (против).
— безопаснее для пешеходов
— тише для людей, которые там живут

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