Read the rubric and answer the questions. This is part of an email you I received from your American 1 penfriend Jack. My sister is visiting London next month.

Вопрос от пользователя

Read the rubric and answer the questions.
This is part of an email you I received from your American 1 penfriend Jack.
My sister is visiting London next month. Any ideas where she could go shopping? She’s on a really tight budget.
1    What are you going to write?
2    Who are you going to write to?
3    What will your piece of writing be about?

Ответ от эксперта

1 an email. (письмо)
2 my American pen friend, Jack. (моему американскому другу по переписке, Джеку)
3 cheap places where Jenny’s sister can go shopping (о дешевых местах, где сестра Дженни может походить за покупками)

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