Read the reviews (A-С) and replace the negative words and phrases in bold with positive ones from the list. • gripping • interesting • entertaining • powerful • catchy • a good laugh • exciting

Вопрос от пользователя

Read the reviews (A-С) and replace the negative words and phrases in bold with positive ones from the list.
• gripping • interesting • entertaining • powerful • catchy • a good laugh • exciting
A «I found the new soap opera really 1) entertaining) unenjoyable The storyline was 2) gripping predictable and the characters were 3)) interesting boring!»
B «The concert was 4) a good laugh not much fun. The singer’s voice was really 5) powerful weak and the tunes were very 6) catchy forgetable.»
C «The film was very 7) exciting unexciting indeed although some of the action scenes were repetitive.

Ответ от эксперта

1 entertaining
2 gripping
3 interesting
4 a good laugh
5 powerful
6 catchy
7 exciting

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