Read the passage and choose the correct answer (А, В, С or D) for questions 1—7. Evidence of global warming is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore.

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Read the passage and choose the correct answer (А, В, С or D) for questions 1—7.
Evidence of global warming is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore.
Latin America and Southern Asia are suffering from storms and floods more than ever before while Europe is experiencing unusual heat waves and forest fires. However, it is the Arctic that provides the clearest demonstration of mankind’s effect on the global climate.
The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet and the bright white surface of polar ice is disappearing. Most of the sunlight that strikes the polar ice simply bounces back into space, but the dark ocean water absorbs the light and heat. As each square mile of ice melts, the total amount of reflecting white surface is reduced and the heat absorbing dark surface of the water is increased, so the remaining ice melts faster.
Furthermore, there is also the possibility that higher temperatures may release more methane from the Arctic and C02 from peat bogs, which will also speed up the warming process.
During the Earth’s history, the climate has changed a lot and plant and animal life has adapted to survive. However, the climate is now changing so fast that many animals in the Arctic are facing disaster.
The Arctic is home to some of the world’s most amazing mammals, millions of migratory birds and a rich community living on the ice-edge. Animals like walruses, ringed seals, caribou, reindeer, collared lemmings, Arctic foxes, muskoxen, narwhals, bowhead and beluga whales and polar bears live only here.
In the summer, the ice begins to melt and break up, and the polar bears have to swim between the floating ice to find food. However, as global temperatures have risen, the ice has melted more and the distances between the floating ice have increased. Of course, the polar bears don’t know about this until they find themselves gradually becoming exhausted while swimming in open water. Sadly, researchers are now finding the dead bodies of drowned polar bears floating in the Arctic Ocean.
Scientists are now warning that the entire ecosystem of the Arctic region may be threatened. Plants that grow in cold conditions will either grow further north or die out, which will endanger the land animals that eat them. Consequently, animals such as reindeer, caribou and muskoxen may starve if they can’t find enough to eat.
Life in the Arctic has always been a struggle for survival, but the added difficulties caused by global warming could soon make it almost impossible. Although no one knows for certain exactly what will happen in the future, we do know that any damage to this precious environment will affect the whole planet and we will be unable to change it back again.
1    Global warming is causing the Arctic to warm twice as fast as elsewhere.
A have terrible storms.
В suffer from floods.
С experience unusual heat waves.
D warm twice as fast as elsewhere.
2    The ice in the Arctic reflects most of the sun’s light and heat.
A reflects most of the sun’s light and heat.
В absorbs most sunlight.
С is melting slower than before.
D releases methane into the atmosphere.
3    The Earth’s climate is changing too quickly.
A    hasn’t changed much,
В    is slowly changing.
С    is changing too quickly.
D    isn’t changing quickly enough.
4    The Arctic is the only place where you can find caribou and collared lemmings.A beluga whales and grizzly bears.
В penguins and narwhals.
С buffaloes and polar bears.
D caribou and collared lemmings.
5    Polar bears sometimes swim to find food.
A can’t swim.
В can’t swim very well.
С sometimes swim to find food.
D sometimes swim to other polar bears.
6    Reindeer in the Arctic may lose their food supply.
A stop hunting ringed seals.
В lose their food supply.
С threaten the entire ecosystem.
D endanger other land animals.
7    Damage to the Arctic environment will have unpredictable results.
A have unpredictable results.
В definitely destroy all life there.
С only have an effect on local animals.
D be easy to fix.

Ответ от эксперта

1 D
2 A
3 C
4 D
5 C
6 B
7 A

1 Глобальное потепление – это причина, почему Арктика нагревается в два раза быстрее, чем в других местах.
А Имеет страшные штормы.
В страдает от наводнений.
С испытывает необычные тепловые волны.
D нагревается вдвое быстрее, чем в других местах

2 Лед в Арктике отражает большинство солнечного света и тепла.
А Отражает большую часть солнечного света и тепла.
В поглощает большую часть солнечного света.
С тает медленнее, чем раньше.
D освобождает метан в атмосферу.

3 Климат Земли меняется слишком быстро.
А Практически не изменился
В постепенно меняется.
С меняется слишком быстро.
D не меняется достаточно быстро.

4 Арктика является единственным местом, где можно найти карибу и копытных леммингов.
А белух и медведей гризли.
В пингвинов и нарвалов.
С буйволов и белых медведей.
D карибу и копытных леммингов.

5 Белые медведи иногда плавают в поисках пищи.
А Не умеют плавать.
В не могут плавать очень хорошо.
С иногда плавают в поисках пищи.
D иногда плавают к другим белым медведям.

6 Олени в Арктике могут потерять поставку продовольствия.
А Остановить охоту на кольчатого нерпа.
В потерять поставку продовольствия.
С угрожать всей экосистеме.
D подвергать опасности других наземных животных.

7 Вред окружающей среде Арктики приведет к непредсказуемым результатам.
А Приведет к непредсказуемым результатам.
В определенно разрушит там всю жизнь.
С только окажет влияние на местных животных.
D будет легко исправить.

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