Read the paragraphs below and put them in the correct order. a The lift had only gone down one floor when it made a strange noise and stopped.

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Read the paragraphs below and put them in the correct order.
The lift had only gone down one floor when it made a strange noise and stopped. Tina couldn’t believe it. She started shouting for help. Suddenly, she heard a man’s voice. “Don’t worry.» he said. “I’ll get help.»
Last Saturday morning, when Tina got out of bed she was jumping for joy. It was the first day of her holidays. She had been looking forward to her summer holiday in Hawaii all year and now she was just about to leave. So, feeling very cheerful, she quickly got dressed. “Hawaii, here I come!» she shouted as she got into the lift and pressed the button.
When she finally arrived at the airport, her flight had already left. All she could do was return home, feeling angry and upset. But later, as she was watching the news on TV. she got the shock of her life! Her flight to Hawaii had crashed in the sea because of engine problems! Amazingly, none of the passengers were seriously injured, but Tina couldn’t believe how lucky she had been to miss her flight.
Tina had to wait a very long time before the lift repairman arrived. When she finally got out of the lift, she looked at her watch. She didn’t have much time to get to the airport. She quickly jumped in a taxi. But then she found herself stuck in a traffic jam!

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a 2
b 1
c 4
d 3

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