Read the notices. Where could you see each one? Expand them into full sentences using the passive.

Вопрос от пользователя

Read the notices. Where could you see each one? Expand them into full sentences using the passive.

Ответ от эксперта

2 Exhibits must not be touched. (gallery) (Экспонаты нельзя трогать) (галерея)
3 Renovations are being done to the museum./The museum is being renovated.(museum entrance) (Проводится реконструкция музея/Музей реконструируется) (на входе в музей)
4 The pool has been closed. (leisure centre) (Бассейн закрыт) (центр досуга)
5 The lab has been moved to the 4th floor.(hospital) (Лаборатория переехала на 4ый этаж) (больница)

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