Read the note below. What pronouns, articles and verbs are missing from the note or abbreviated? Dan, Will b late for party! At ballet lesson ’til 6. Tell others! C u then! Patsy

Вопрос от пользователя

Read the note below. What pronouns, articles and verbs are missing from the note or abbreviated?
Dan, Will b late for party! At ballet lesson ’til 6. Tell others! C u then! Patsy

Ответ от эксперта

Dan, Will b late for party! At ballet lesson ’til 6. Tell others! C u then! Patsy — Дэн, я опоздаю на вечеринку! У меня урок балета до 6 часов. Скажи остальным. Увидимся потом. Пэтси.


pronouns — местоимения : I
articles — артикли: the
verbs — глаголы: am
abbreviated — сокращения: b (be), c (see), u (you)

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