Read the letter again and decide whether the sentences are T (true) or F (false). 1 Georgia is on holiday with her friends 2 She has windsurfing lessons three times a week.

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Read the letter again and decide whether the sentences are T (true) or F (false).
1 Georgia is on holiday with her friends
2 She has windsurfing lessons three times a week.  
3 She only goes windsurfing when it is windy. …..
4 Georgia has her own surfboard. …..
5 She works in a coffee bar in the mornings….
6 The coffee bar is on the beach…………. …..
7 Georgia’s job is not very interesting……….

Ответ от эксперта

  1. Georgia is on holiday with her friends  — F — Джорджия на каникулах со своими друзьями.
  2. She has windsurfing lessons three times a week — T — У неё уроки виндсёрфинга три раза в неделю
  3. She only goes windsurfing when it is windy — F — Она ходит на уроки виндсёрфинга только когда есть ветер
  4. Georgia has her own surfboard — F — У Джорджии есть собственная доска для сёрфа
  5. She works in a coffee bar in the mornings — F — Она работает в кофе-баре по утрам
  6. The coffee bar is on the beach — F — Кофе-бар на пляже (он не на пляже, а рядом с пляжем)
  7. Georgia’s job is not very interesting — T — Работа Джорджии не очень интересная
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