Read the headlines. How do they make you feel? excited, surprised, sad, happy, worried, interested, curious, shocked. Brother rescues sister from fire

Вопрос посетителя

Read the headlines. How do they make you feel? excited, surprised, sad, happy, worried, interested, curious, shocked.
Brother rescues sister from fire
Flying turtle ‘stops’ taxi
Younger generation takes better care of the environment
Holywood actress visits kids in hospital
School on Saturdays, says Minister
Two puppies need a home!
130 injured in train crash
— I feel happy that a boy recued his sister from a fire

Ответ эксперта

I feel happy that the younger generation takes care of the environment. (Я рад, что молодое поколение заботится об окружающей среде).
I feel curious when I see the headline about the turtle. (Мне любопытно, когда я вижу заголовок о черепахе).
I feel worried about school on Saturdays. (Я беспокоюсь о школе по субботам).

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