Read the Grammar Reference Section. Explain the use of the verbs in bold. Find examples in the text above. Hi Steve, Thanks very much for your e-mail. I always Love hearing from you.

Вопрос посетителя

Read the Grammar Reference Section. Explain the use of the verbs in bold. Find examples in the text above.
Hi Steve,
Thanks very much for your e-mail. I always Love hearing from you. At the moment I am studying really hard, I’m sitting my exams next week.
My lessons start at 8:30. After school, I go to my part-time job. I am working in a library for the next few months. Tonight I am meeting my friends.
Anyway, I’d better finish here. Write again soon.

Ответ эксперта

Present Simple
1 present state and facts (утверждения и факты в настоящем): love (любить)
2 routine/habit (рутина/привычки): start, go (начинать, идти)

Present Continuous
1 an action happening at the moment of speaking (действие происходящее в момент разговора): I am studying, I am working (я учусь, я работаю)
2 future plans (будущие планы): I’m sitting, I am meeting go, milking, we’re going, etc (я сдаю, я встречаюсь, доить, мы собираемся и т.д).

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