Read the following text and then choose the correct alternative (a, b, or c) to fill in the gaps. There is an example for you at the beginning (0).

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Read the following text and then choose the correct alternative (a, b, or c) to fill in the gaps. There is an example for you at the beginning (0).
In Tudor Times- children wore the same style of (0) clothing as their parents.
In the period from 1811 to 1820 girls continued to be (1)_____________________
of their parents’ wish to match the popular idea of beauty. The popular idea of
beauty in that period was: slim bodies, tight waists and pale (2)_______________
_________. In the 1880s it was (3)______________________to wear very long
gloves in the evening. At the end of the 1880s a knitted costume (the so-called
«jersey dress»*) (4)_________________ __ fashion. (5)______________________
was in fashion for women, furs were in fashion both for men and women. During
the Second World War in Britain designs were simple: padded (6)._____________
_________ and skirts to just below the knee, a small hat and functional bag and
shoes. In the late 1970s (7)_______________________was brought into the fashion arena. By the early 1980s (8)_______________________and training shoes had
become  a  fashionable  uniform.  Today body  (9)________________________has
replaced tattooing among the more eccentric of London’s youth. Any part of your
body can be (10)_______________________ with a ring, bar or stud. If you are
visiting London from abroad and want (11)_______________________ all the latest London trends, you have to read the fashion magazines.
0    a   fashion                          b  design                          c y clothing
1    a   victims                          b   favourites                     С   the hope
2    a   appearance                    b   colour                           С   blue
3    a   individual                      b   fashionable                   с   customized
4    a   came                              Ь   came into                     С   came in
5    a   Footwear                       b   Jewellery                      с   Clothes
6    a   legs                               b  arms                             с   shoulders
7    a   sports                            b  sportswear                    с   sports shoes
8    a   tracksuits                      b   flares                            с   schoolgirl pinafores
9    a   painting                        b  building                        С   piercing
10    a   embroidered                  b   pierced                          с   decorated
11    a   to be fashionable          b   to be in fashion           С   to keep up to date with

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