Read the following sets of sentences. Decide which ones sound more polite and circle them. 1 a He is very rude, b He is not too polite. 2 a They tend to be a bit noisy, b They are extremely noisy.

Вопрос от пользователя

Read the following sets of sentences. Decide which ones sound more polite and circle them.
1 a He is very rude, b He is not too polite.
2 a They tend to be a bit noisy, b They are extremely noisy.
3 a I think you’re wrong, b I don’t think you’re right.
4 a Your English results are not so good. b Your English results are bad

Ответ от эксперта

1.b) Не is not too polite. (Он не очень вежлив)
2.a) They tend to be a bit noisy. (Они имеют тенденцию быть немного шумными)
3.b) I don’t think you’re right. (Я не думаю, что вы правы).
4.a) Your English results are not so good. (Ваши результаты в Английском не так хороши)

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