Read the first two exchanges. What is the dialogue about? ; Listen, read and check. Adrian: Hi, Paul, it’s Adrian. Paul: Hi. What’s up?

Вопрос посетителя

Read the first two exchanges. What is the dialogue about? ; Listen, read and check.
Adrian: Hi, Paul, it’s Adrian.
Paul: Hi. What’s up?
Adrian: I’ve got a problem with my computer. Can you help me?
Paul: I’ll try. What is it?
Adrian: Well, my computer keeps crashing.
Paul: What exactly happens? Does the screen keep freezing?
Adrian: Yes. The cursor sticks in the same place and I can’t do anything.
Paul: Have you tried switching it off and on again?
Adrian: Yes, I have, but then after a while the same thing happens again.
Paul: Hmm. Have you got anti-virus software on your computer?
I Adrian: Yes, I have.
Paul: Right. Well, I suggest that you do a full scan with your anti-virus software. It could be a virus that’s causing your problem. Try that, then call me again if you still have a problem.
1 Adrian: OK. I’ll do that. Thanks, Paul.
Paul: You’re welcome.

Ответ эксперта

I think the dialogue is about two friends who are having a telephone conversation. Adrian has a computer problem and Paul will try and help him fix it.(Я думаю, что диалог о двух друзьях, которые разговаривают по телефону.У Адриана проблемы с компьютером и Пол будет пытаться помочь ему исправить это).

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