Read the first two exchanges in the dialogue. How do you think Brian got his black eye? (,Listen, read and check. Tom: Brian! How did you get that black eye?

Вопрос посетителя

Read the first two exchanges in the dialogue. How do you think Brian got his black eye? (,Listen, read and check.
Tom: Brian! How did you get that black eye?
Brian: Oh, it was something silly, really.
Tom: Oh, dear! What happened?
Brian: Well… remember I told you that I wanted to try an extreme sport?
Tom: Yeah, of course I remember.
Brian: Well, I finally decided to have a kitesurfing lesson!
Tom: Kitesurfing! Isn’t that really risky?
Brian: It is a bit but it was fantastic. Actually, I’m thinking of joining the kitesurfing club. What do you think?
Tom: I wouldn’t if I were you! You got a black eye, so it’s obviously dangerous! You should stick to a safer sport if you ask me!
Brian: Oh, no! I didn’t get my black eye from kitesurfing. My friend Paul accidentally hit me in the eye with his bag on the way home.
Tom: Oh, I see.
Brian: What do you think about coming with me next time I go? It’s great fun!
Tom: Hmm … I don’t know.

Ответ эксперта

Brian had an accident doing an extreme sport.
(Брайан попал в несчастный случай, занимаясь экстремальным спортом.)

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